Once you have paid on our website or once you have paid to our bank accounts, you cannot cancel it. We do not offer cancellations or refunds for any reasons. Therefore, we recommend carefully reviewing your payment information before submitting it to us to avoid mistakes.

If you choose to TERMINATE / CANCEL your membership, the money once paid towards SUBSCRIPTION FEES ARE NOT REFUNDABLE either in full or part thereof under any circumstances, adjusted for any other service or for another applicant. Your membership in Jain Mangalam Vadhu Var is only for your exclusive personal use. You agree that you will not authorize others to use your membership, and you will not assign or transfer your account to any other person or entity.

In the instance of you chose to TERMINATE / CANCEL your membership, the SUBSCRIPTION FEES ARE NOT REFUNDABLE either in full or part thereof under any circumstances. Refund will NOT apply for Orders that are activated with PAID membership. Please include your order number, profile ID and optionally tell us why you're requesting a refund - we take customer feedback very seriously and use it to constantly improve our products and quality of service.

You may terminate your Jain Mangalam membership at any time, for any reason. But the payments made by member by way of registration / membership / renewal fee / auto renewal is /are treated as non-refundable.